Day 1 – Tenimen Square & Forbiden city

By mnbadmin. Filed in Travel  |  
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Took a taxi to tienamen square, this took at least 40 min. To go about 3K. Wandered the square for about 30 miniutes then went accrost the road to the forbiden city. Went in the wrong entrance, spent a half an hour in a garden that had not awoken from it’s winter slumber. Finaly followed the crowds and found the proper entrance. Wandered through the first courtyard that is largwr than a footbal field. Found a place to grad a bite – not very good. Finaly entered the main palace area. We get through the first building and I start to realize how vast this place dealt is. We read that that the forbidden city is over 1 sq kilometer & I now believe it. Explore for about 4 hours when they finaly give us the boot. Back to hotel to freshen up then went to the night market for an evening bite. Chose to avoid the fried scorpion, roaches, grubs, seahorse, starfish, various animal penis’s, etc….. Decided on the pork sandwitch and beer. Taxi back to our neighborhood for a nightcap then to bed.

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